Luke 8:54

"And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid arise." Luke 8:54

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Quote of the Day

"The real corrupters of society may be, not the corrupt, but those who have held back the righteous leaven, the salt that has lost its savor, the innocent who have not even the moral courage to show what they think of the effrontery of impurity, --- the serious, who yet timidly succumb before some loud-voiced scoffer, --- the heart trembling all over with religious sensibilities that yet suffer itself through false shame to be beaten down into outward and practical acquiescence by some rude and wordly nature."                    

J.H. Thom


  1. Convicting. It's too easy to blame the corruption in the world on the "worldly" and forget that even our silence condones evil. Thanks for the timely reminder.

  2. Agreed Emma. Thanks for commenting.
