Spiritual lessons
Here I would like to introduce you to guest writer Melissa Bickish . She is a dear friend of mine, who has some really good thoughts on the will of God to share with Maid Arise readers. I received such a huge blessing out of reading this, I know you will too. Please make sure to leave your comments!
a few thoughts on the Will of God
For several months I have
been pondering the idea of God’s will. The idea that He reveals
things to some of us, and seems ‘unwilling’ to reveal things to
others. I know that this is a very DEEP topic and I do not intend to
get into the why’s and wherefores, or to delve deeply into His
permissive and perfect wills… etc. This is just a few ideas that
have come to my mind from either reading books or the Bible, and I
hope that they are helpful to others as well.
At the very beginning we
must define what I mean by God’s will. I here begin to quote S.D.
“ God’s will is His
desires, His
purposes, that
which He wishes to occur, and that to
which He gives His strength that it may occur…. His plan is the
most wise, pure, loving plan that can be thought of, and more.”
First of all, is the
thought that GOD ACTUALLY WANTS YOU TO KNOW HIS WILL. I don’t know
if anyone else had this experience, but I remember when I grew up in
church hearing all the time about “The will of God” in hushed
reverent, almost spooky tones, as though it were too ‘mysterious’
to be truly understood, or that the simple Christian couldn’t
discover it without ‘great’ seeking. I don’t know where this
mistaken notion has come from. In my limited 25 years on this earth,
I have discovered that God wants me to be in His will. He wants me on
the right path… and is desirous that I REMAIN in His will.
The first thing to note
is a Bible verse, one that very aptly describes God’s desire for us
to know His will.
“ Be ye not unwise,
but understanding what the will of the
Lord is.”
Ephs. 5:17
“ For this cause we
also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to
desire that ye might be filled with the
knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”
Col. 1:9
If we are to be wise and
understand then that means that we can understand.
“If any man will
do His will, he shall know of the
doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”
John 7:17
“ If a man’s will
is really set on doing God’s will, that is, if his heart is given
up to do it, and he as a consequence does it as far as he knows it,
he shall know what God has further to teach him… doing is the one
condition of truly knowing. And so obedience, the doing of God’s
will as far as we know it, and the will and the vow to do it all as
He reveals it, is the spiritual organ, the capacity for receiving the
true knowledge of what is God’s will for each of us….”
----Andrew Murray---( With Christ in the School of Obedience.)- great
book by the way-
I believe that herein
lies the key. I wonder if we truly ‘will’ to know what God wants
because it might, perchance, disagree with what we desire for our own
life. God promises in this verse that if we ‘will’ or desire to
know His will that we shall know.
God’s will is not
arbitrary. He does not seek to ruin you by following Him. He says of
His will in Ephesians 1 verse 5 -- “ according
to the good pleasure of His will.”
“ How slow we are to
believe that God’s will always means our fullest joy!... Let God’s
will be done, and done from the heart; and then His creatures will
know what true rest and happiness mean.”
---E. H. Hopkins---
Christ as our example
said of Himself in Hebrews 10:7 --
“ Then said I, Lo, I
come ( in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do Thy
will, O God.”
He also said that He did
NOTHING of Himself!
Our greatest aim and
desire for our life should be to find God’s will for our life and
stay in that path.
The second cross is in NOT
knowing your future. It can be very difficult to not KNOW what lies
If God hasn’t revealed
His ‘future’ will or plan for your life --- then REST--- because
you are then right where He wants you to be! Ask yourself, “ Am I
seeking to know His will or get a glimpse of my own future life,
because I dislike not ‘knowing’?” If it isn’t His will to
reveal His future plan for your life then you
are asking for something CONTRARY to the WILL OF GOD.
That is not seeking His will, but your own desire to KNOW! Rest in
the face that “He will reveal even this
unto you” if something needs to be shown to
you, or if you’re in the wrong place. He wants you in His will
more than YOU want to be in it! If you are in the wrong ‘place’
or feel you have ‘erred’ it is HIS RESPONSIBILITY to reveal it to
you… and if He hasn’t then you can SAFELY rest in the place you
are at knowing it is His will for you right now.
God has revealed to me what I believe to be ‘future’ sorrows that
I shall face. If this is the case, Don’t fear future sorrows. The
Lord didn’t reveal this future to you so you could spend the
proceeding years leading up to it petrified with fear.
The Bible
“Fear none of these
things which thou shalt suffer”. (
This could be anything that God has shown you that is
labeled with a “price-tag” called LOSS! The fear of the future
can be paralyzing to your faith. Fear is bondage! The Lord didn’t
give you that information so you could lock yourself in a prison of
bondage, but so your faith could be strengthened. “Fear
none”- in the context of this passage the
sorrow listed is that of being martyrd! You’d think if there was
one thing we would be ‘permitted’ to fear it would be being
killed for Christ’s sake… but NO, God says, “be thou faithful
unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Death for LIFE!
Isn’t it precious that the martyrs crown is called the crown of
life! So, even if you are martyrd one day God says, “for
he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.”
“The future is not
ours: we may never have a future; or, if it comes, it may be wholly
different to all we foresaw. Let us
shut our eyes to that which God hides from us in the hidden depths of
His wisdom. Let us worship without
seeing… .what matter, so long as He is glorified, and His will is
fulfilled in us?.... Live quietly from day to day, without thinking
about the future. Even the present is not really yours, and you must
only use it as is consistent with the will of God, to whom it
actually belongs.” ---Francios Fenelon----
Fourthly, I’d like to
discuss God’s will in the everyday. (which is just a piece of life
and how life is lived… day to day) This subject is where the rubber
meets the road so to speak.
When was the last time
your conscience pricked you about something ‘small’ and you
convinced yourself it wasn’t worth ‘bothering’ about, or it was
so small that it didn't matter, or it wasn't worth all the
‘fuss’, etc? If you deny the Spirit of God revealing His will
through your conscience then you won’t be told ‘greater’
things. “faithful in little… faithful in much!” If God can’t
trust you to correct little things, how can you expect Him to reveal
larger areas to you?
I had a very funny
experience with this same idea a few months ago. I had just purchased
a large tub of Hummus from Costco… it wasn’t really expensive,
but it was something that I ‘could actually eat’ as my diet had
become so limited. Lizzy and Jeffrey (sister-in-law and brother) were coming over that night and
as I got into the fridge for some other item, I spied my tub of
hummus sitting ‘right out in the open’ for ‘grabs’. Lizzy and
her girls and Jeffrey all LOVE hummus… and I knew that if it sat
there ‘exposed’ they’d eat some. So, I very selfishly put the
hummus at the back of the fridge behind some other items of ‘less
value’ to me. As soon as the fridge door closed, the Lord pricked
my conscience and told me to put it back where it had been. So, I
obeyed…. not without first thinking of what a sacrifice this was!
Hahah This story is comical to me know… but at the time it was very
‘close’ to home. Can God trust you to hear His voice in the every
day and that you’ll obey His will when He shows it to you?
Fifthly, Have you ever
stopped and asked GOD if there was anything
in your life that is contrary to His will for you? It could be
something your parents allow, that you’ve allowed for years- but it
may not be in line with God’s personal, specific, will for you! Are
you willing to have different standards than your siblings or even
your parents if it is God’s will for you? Are you willing to be
thought ‘weird’ even by your own family to be where God wants
you? Are you sensitive to God’s leading in the ‘small’ everyday
things of life?
“ I am not conscious
of keeping anything that is displeasing to Him. But the first point
is : Have I made diligent search? Have I come to God and honestly
asked Him to search me? There may be recesses in my being which I
know have not been brought under the penetrating power of His holy
light. There may be corners in which
‘doubtful things’ are still lurking, and which would no longer be
doubtful, if I honestly asked God to show me His will concerning
them. The fear lest such a surrender
of one’s being would involve a complete clearing out of a multitude
of things may still be keeping the soul back in a state of partial
---E.H. Hopkins---
“ There may be many
things which you have been accustomed to think lawful or allowable
which your Father wants different. To consider it settled that they
are the will of God because you and
others think so may effectually shut
you out form knowing God’s will on other things.”
---- Andrew Murray---
“If I am holding
something in my life that the Master does not like, if I am failing
to obey when His voice has spoken, that to me is sin. It may be wrong
in itself. It may NOT be wrong in itself. It may not be wrong for
another. Sometimes it is not the thing involved but the One involved
that makes the issue. If that faithful quiet inner voice has spoken
and I know what the Master would prefer and I fail to keep in line,
that to me is sin…. There are a great many things that can be
proven to be not wrong, but that are not best, that are not His
--- S.D.
The more you seek to
know His will, will to will, and OBEY His voice the more God has the
liberty to speak to you! You can hinder Him with your unbelief and
unwillingness to obey His leading. If He knows you aren’t intending
to obey, will He speak? God allows Himself to be limited by our
“Take heed,
brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief….
today if you WILL hear His voice, harden not your hearts..” (Heb.
You must have a soft,
willing heart in order to hear the voice of God in your life.
Let me encourage you not to compare yourself with anyone else, because if you do, you’ll begin to wonder why God spoke to ‘that’ person, and not
to you. Each of us has our own path and they
are never the same.
God WANTS you in His
will and the ‘place’ He has chosen you to be in.
“ Any uncertainty
about God’s will makes a joyful obedience impossible. Believe most
confidently that the Father is willing to make known what He wants
you to do.”
--- Andrew
“The highest possible
ambition for a life is to reach God’s plan. He reveals that to us
bit by bit as we need to know…. I must keep in touch with Him so He
has an open ear to talk into. I must delight to do his will, because
it is His. “
---S. D. Gordon---
The Lord says in Hebrews
13 verse 20-21…
“ Now the God of peace,
that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd
of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you
perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which
is wellpleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory
for ever and ever. Amen."
So, in conclusion let me
just encourage you, He has a desire and a thought toward you and His
thoughts are always thoughts of peace. One of my favorite words in
Psalms 119 is God’s JUDGMENTS. These are His decisions… His
plans, His choice for your life… ultimately, His will.
“ the judgments of
the LORD are true and righteous altogether.” Ps. 19
This was a wonderfully insightful, encouraging, helpful, and highly convicting piece, Liss. Thank you for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteI just have to ask...did your hummus get eaten up in the end? :-P
Lots to think about here, and yes, very insightful and highly convicting! I, too, am curious about the fate of the hummus? did our Lord protect it from everyone because of your obedience??? : )
ReplyDeleteGlad you ladies enjoyed this as much as I! I will have to let Melissa know about your curiosity of the hummus!
ReplyDeleteI actually laughed out loud as I saw the curiosity over the fate of the precious hummus! :) haha I remember that it wasn't even TOUCHED at all that day. You must be right, Miss Donna, God protected it for me due to my obedience. :) haha
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Toni, I LOVE the first picture... worth a thousand words for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteI really appreciated this post Liss! I know I'm commenting kinda late...
ReplyDeleteI love the thought that The Lord wants us to know His will for our lives, more than we even do! And that If we are in a wrong place in our lives, it's His responsibility to show us, if we're truley seeking His will. And it's so true...there's crosses to both - knowing your future and not knowing! Thanks for putting time into this post Liss! It was a blessing. Love and miss you!
Awww Grace, I miss you too! I am so glad that the Lord used these thoughts to encourage your heart. That makes it all worth the effort.
ReplyDeleteI am commented really late...but Liss, words fail to express how much I enjoyed and appreciated this post. Knowing the will of God is sweet. I liked how you brought out the crosses that come with knowing and that also come with not knowing. Ultimately, Jesus knows what we need to know and we must simply trust and obey. What a convicting and powerful thought that often times our desire to "know" is really just selfish curiosity. He knows our heart motives for asking. He delights to show us His desires for our life, more than even we do. But He knows when He can actually let us in on it. And that's okay. Also loved how you brought out His will in the "little day to day things". Something I've been thinking a lot about lately and how important it truly is. The hummus illustration made me laugh! (Hysterical- but so true to all of us in one way or another.) Thanks for taking the time and effort to write this. It was truly a blessing and an encouragement to me I hope you will share with all of us again soon.
ReplyDeleteawww... thanks Nay. It does encourage me to know that others relate so much to what I'm learning and my own personal struggles. You always encourage me.