The Church is
Blood Guilty
Christians are blood guilty.
Abortion is the result of evil self-serving men. Which includes the abortionists, the mothers of these dead children and the Church.
A duty to rescue is a concept in tort law, where a party can be held liable for failing to come to the rescue of another party in peril.
Those who fund, perform, ignore or aid in killing little children, are guilty. That pretty much covers most people. Including Christians. We are doubly responsible because we claim the Creator God to be our authority. And yet we stand by while children, created in His image, are butchered mercilessly. And He will hold us liable for failing to come to the rescue of those he has commanded us to save. (James 1:27; Proverbs 31:8-9).
We have approached 220+ churches in the state of Idaho. All we have asked is that they consider signing the petition to abolish human abortion in their state. We have had only 5 churches respond positively. Most of the Pastors refused for us to even approach the congregation about the petition.
Some Pastors actually think pre-born human beings are not as valuable as living ones. They have accepted their culture's teaching of ageism and openly admit such wickedness.
Others are afraid of man. They realize that many women have had abortions...women in their congregation. And they are afraid to take a bold stance on murder.
And then almost all of these men have a false view of authority. They believe that their congregation shouldn't be allowed the opportunity of judging the petition for themselves, because they, as Pastor, know best. Time and time again we've been treated harshly, unjustly, and even slandered. All because we took a petition to their doorstep.
Recently I asked a local pastor if he might be interested in signing the petition and having it circulated amongst his congregation. He said he'd think about it and read it. I approached him again and he said he thought he'd shy away from it because he wasn't sure it was a ministry that included saving souls. I sent him an email with some more info on the petition and explained how the petition was one tiny way we might love our neighbor and obey God in saving the needy. When weeks went by without a response, I stopped by the church to ask if he had a chance to read my email. I'd be happy to discuss any details he wasn't sure about.
He became seriously angry, and accused me of harassing him, and made it very clear that if I showed up with the petition he would call the police. When I asked him why he was so adamantly against the petition he refused to answer and said he didn't have to tell me why, because, after all, he is the Pastor and he said no. He further went on to admonish me how I was to answer him, and then I was harshly told to leave immediately.
This, unfortunately, is common behavior.
Pastors have been set up to fail. They are taught and treated like mini-gods and blindly followed by “laymen”. The conventional Church promotes tyranny. And the Christian conforms to such tradition.
This is as much the Pastor's fault as it is the congregation that follows him. Christians have become obsessed with their personal spirituality, and submission to their Pastor.
Faith no longer works, it is now an experience – a focus on self.
Conformity has become confused with unity. And confrontation has become a sin. Thinking for ones self is divisive and traditions are somehow recognized as the Word of God.
This “experience religion” coupled with the idolatrous surrender to false pastoral authority has bred apathy. It has led us to disobedience to God, and ultimately blood guilt. We have refused to oppose evil. We tolerate sin. We fail to be Christian. This ungodly submission is sin. Our inaction is sin. Dangerous. It leads people astray. And our conformity to tyranny (whether it be our Pastor who says we cannot abolish human abortion, or to our government who says it is legal to murder) is wicked! We will be held accountable. We must repent. We must obey God rather than men.
Unchain your mind. And wash your hands of blood.
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Those who fund, perform, ignore or aid in killing little children, are guilty. That pretty much covers most people. Including Christians. We are doubly responsible because we claim the Creator God to be our authority. And yet we stand by while children, created in His image, are butchered mercilessly. And He will hold us liable for failing to come to the rescue of those he has commanded us to save. (James 1:27; Proverbs 31:8-9).
We have approached 220+ churches in the state of Idaho. All we have asked is that they consider signing the petition to abolish human abortion in their state. We have had only 5 churches respond positively. Most of the Pastors refused for us to even approach the congregation about the petition.
Some Pastors actually think pre-born human beings are not as valuable as living ones. They have accepted their culture's teaching of ageism and openly admit such wickedness.
Others are afraid of man. They realize that many women have had abortions...women in their congregation. And they are afraid to take a bold stance on murder.
And then almost all of these men have a false view of authority. They believe that their congregation shouldn't be allowed the opportunity of judging the petition for themselves, because they, as Pastor, know best. Time and time again we've been treated harshly, unjustly, and even slandered. All because we took a petition to their doorstep.
Recently I asked a local pastor if he might be interested in signing the petition and having it circulated amongst his congregation. He said he'd think about it and read it. I approached him again and he said he thought he'd shy away from it because he wasn't sure it was a ministry that included saving souls. I sent him an email with some more info on the petition and explained how the petition was one tiny way we might love our neighbor and obey God in saving the needy. When weeks went by without a response, I stopped by the church to ask if he had a chance to read my email. I'd be happy to discuss any details he wasn't sure about.
He became seriously angry, and accused me of harassing him, and made it very clear that if I showed up with the petition he would call the police. When I asked him why he was so adamantly against the petition he refused to answer and said he didn't have to tell me why, because, after all, he is the Pastor and he said no. He further went on to admonish me how I was to answer him, and then I was harshly told to leave immediately.
This, unfortunately, is common behavior.
Pastors have been set up to fail. They are taught and treated like mini-gods and blindly followed by “laymen”. The conventional Church promotes tyranny. And the Christian conforms to such tradition.
This is as much the Pastor's fault as it is the congregation that follows him. Christians have become obsessed with their personal spirituality, and submission to their Pastor.
Faith no longer works, it is now an experience – a focus on self.
Conformity has become confused with unity. And confrontation has become a sin. Thinking for ones self is divisive and traditions are somehow recognized as the Word of God.
This “experience religion” coupled with the idolatrous surrender to false pastoral authority has bred apathy. It has led us to disobedience to God, and ultimately blood guilt. We have refused to oppose evil. We tolerate sin. We fail to be Christian. This ungodly submission is sin. Our inaction is sin. Dangerous. It leads people astray. And our conformity to tyranny (whether it be our Pastor who says we cannot abolish human abortion, or to our government who says it is legal to murder) is wicked! We will be held accountable. We must repent. We must obey God rather than men.
Unchain your mind. And wash your hands of blood.
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Letter to the Editor
ReplyDeleteJackson Hole News & Guide
Jackson, Wyoming
May, 2012
By Mark Holick
“To the Presbyterian Church and Paul Hayden: you said you have ‘adamantly pro-life’ and ‘adamantly pro-choice’ people in your church, this is an abomination. What Bible are you preaching from? Does the sixth Commandment mean anything to you? The ‘diversity’ you spoke of is a euphemism for: we accept sin, even those who support the shedding of innocent blood. I urge you to repent. Woe to them who call evil good and good evil (Is. 5:12). You and your church are not pro-life in any sense. Stop the hypocrisy. Be honest and tell everyone that you are a pro-abortion/murder church.
“To River Crossings and Mike Atkins: you reject your pro-life brothers and sisters in the Lord (escorted out) and embrace practicers of witchcraft (invited in), your choice (and rejection) of friends is telling. How long has [Brent] Blue been murdering babies in your city that you are the leading pro-life elder of? You don’t like our ‘methods,’ you say you want to be the local leader, so what is your plan to save those babies who will have their little fingers, toes and eyes chopped off by Blue next week, in your city? Go ahead Mike, light another candle.
“To Community Bible Church and Don Landis: you rejected us outright. And was elated to have your brother in the Lord cited. So what is your plan to end the killing in your city? What is your responsibility Don, (Dt. 21:1-9, Pr. 24:11-12)?
“To St. John’s Episcopal: your support of the shedding of innocent blood and homosexuality is an abomination. You are not a Christian Church, you are an apostate church. Repentance is your only hope.
“To all those of the ‘civility, compassion, love campaign’: you are pro-aborts, by another name. The shedding of innocent blood is acceptable with you. We felt your ‘civility, compassion, and love’ all week long with F words, vehicular assault attempts, vandalism, and the largest flock of birds we have seen in any city. Where is your civility, compassion, and love for your preborn neighbor? Your hypocritical civility, compassion, love means you support the murder of innocent children…with a smile.
“To the Jackson Police: you deceived us…again. Some men keep their word, others do not. Your petty harassments on Sunday were tripe.
“To the Federal Government lackey who threatened us with FACE and hounded us all week while befriending a man who sheds blood for a buck: you had no reason to be involved in any way with peaceful, law abiding, Christians ministering the gospel of Jesus. You sir, are a bully with a badge.
“To all law enforcement: did you swear an oath to the Constitution or to codes and ordinances? And if you say both, then which takes precedence?
“To the Jackson Mayor and City council: yours is a bloody city and your overt protection of the most violent man in the whole of Wyoming is on you, before the Lord God, His Name is Jesus, King of kings, who is the Great Judge of all the earth (Is. 11:4). May He have mercy on your eternal soul.
“To those who name the name of Christ Jesus and either attacked us or disassociated yourself from us: you threw your unborn neighbors, who have fallen among thieves, under the bus (Lk. 10:29-37). …For so persecuted they the prophets which were before you (Mt. 5:12). If you are a true Christian but simply a Nicodemus by night (Jn. 3:1-2), then it is time to come out of the stained glass cave, and boldly cry out against the evil of your city. Justice is every Christians calling from the Lord!
“To those who dislike our graphic signs: we dislike them also. However, who is in the wrong, those who show the pictures or those who make the pictures? Shall we shoot the messenger? You did not like our ‘method,’ so tell us, what is your method to stop the killing of 100’s of little baby boys and girls, this year, next week, in your city? Or is the truth that, you just don’t care?”
–Pastor Mark E. Holick
Operation Save America
ReplyDeleteBy Tim Shey
Brutal deathdance;
My eyes weep blood.
Pharisees smile like vipers,
They laugh and mock their venom:
Blind snakes leading
The deaf and dumb multitude.
Where are my friends?
The landscape is dry and desolate.
They have stretched my shredded body
On this humiliating tree.
The hands that healed
And the feet that brought good news
They have pierced
With their fierce hatred.
The man-made whip
That opened up my back
Preaches from a proper pulpit.
They sit in comfort:
That vacant-eyed congregation.
The respected, demon-possessed reverend
Forks his tongue
Scratching itchy ears
While Cain bludgeons
Abel into silence.
My flesh in tattered pieces
Clots red and cold and sticks
To the rough-hewn timber
That props up my limp, vertical carcase
Between heaven and earth.
My life drips and puddles
Below my feet,
As I gaze down dizzily
On merciless eyes and dagger teeth.
The chapter-and-versed wolves
Jeer and taunt me.
Their sheepwool clothing
Is stained black with the furious violence
Of their heart of stone.
They worship me in lip service,
But I confess,
I never knew them
(Though they are my creation).
My tongue tastes like ashes:
It sticks to the roof of my mouth.
I am so thirsty.
This famine is too much for me.
The bulls of Bashan have bled me white.
Papa, into your hands
I commend my Spirit.
February/March 1997
Iowa State University
Genesis 49: 10: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”