Spiritual Lessons
This is a longer post, but I know I was allowed to write this for a reason and for specific people. I hope it is a blessing.
This is a longer post, but I know I was allowed to write this for a reason and for specific people. I hope it is a blessing.
The War We Forget
we are followers of God, and walk in love, as Christ has loved us,
redeeming the time, submitting ourselves one to another, and obeying
Jesus in the details of our life, we can be sure of this – the
devil seeks us, to devour us, as a roaring lion. Us personally.
my family, as well as church family, have been confronted by the
enemy. I am convinced in my heart that right now a spiritual
battle is being fought, desperately against us. Our adversary is
prepared to take on his prey.
is a murderer from the beginning. John 8:44. He hates those that
open their mouth for the dumb in the cause of those that are
appointed to destruction. If you are an abolitionist against human
abortion, the devil hates you. You are now a target.
you are a innocent, if you have committed to purity of heart: you are
a target.
If you are a parent, and seek to train up your children in the way they should go: you are a target. If you are a willing channel, and walk in the Spirit: you are a target. If you influence souls: you are a target.
If you are a parent, and seek to train up your children in the way they should go: you are a target. If you are a willing channel, and walk in the Spirit: you are a target. If you influence souls: you are a target.
is reality, not just a spiritual phenomenon. Whether we are prepared
or not, our enemy is skilled and cunning. He seeks to take advantage
over us. (2 Corinthians 2:11.)
yet, our enemy is predictable. We are not ignorant of his devices.
And Jesus has given us armor against him. Our part is to be sober
and vigilant and to take on that armor. This is an evil day
(Eph.6:13) and we must stand. Principalities, powers, rulers of
darkness, and spiritual wickedness stand at your gates.
are to be girt with truth. There is no truth in our enemy. When he
speaks he lies, for he is a liar and the father of it. (John
will lie to us. He will tempt us to lie. He would have us in
bondage to lies and sin and fear.
is Truth. He says he is the way, the truth and the life. (John
14:6). And that the truth will set us free. (John 8:32). We have
not received the bondage of fear but the true Spirit of adoption
whereby we cry “Abba Father”. (Romans 8:15). Truth will shield
of Righteousness.
are born sinners. In a wretched state. But Christ in his mercy
stole our earthly heritage and made us his joint heirs by His
righteous blood. He is not only truth, but He is righteousness (1
John 2:29) and any righteousness through us, is Him. Our righteous
stand before God gives us peace (Rom 5:1-5). We can stand in quiet
confidence because before God we are righteous. Righteous
instruments that He can now use. (Rom 6:13). With His breastplate
of righteousness, sin no more has dominion over us.
that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth
the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of
bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth
his eyes from seeing evil; He shall dwell on high: his place of
defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him;
his waters shall be sure.” Isaiah 33:15-16
of the Gospel
Bible says that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto
salvation. (Rom. 1:16). Paul was unashamed of the gospel and was
ready to preach the gospel, knowing that righteousness is revealed
through it. All of mankind is seeking peace; they hold truth in their
unrighteous hands and don't know what to do with it. “For the
wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrightesouness.”
And we should be prepared to give every man an answer to that which
lieth in us. (1 Peter 3:15). And that answer is the gospel of peace.
(Eph. 6:15).
of Faith
1. To cover, as with a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect; to secure form assault or injury.
2. To ward off; to defend against; as clothes shield one from the cold.
1. To cover, as with a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect; to secure form assault or injury.
2. To ward off; to defend against; as clothes shield one from the cold.
Bible says we can resist and remain stedfast against the devil in
faith. Why? Because faith believes that “the God of all grace,
who hath called us...after we have suffered a while, make you
perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.”
(2 Peter 5:9-10)
Faith can cast all it's care upon Him and trust Him and know that He cares. (2 Peter 5:7). Faith dares to ask anything of her Father.
Faith can move mountains. Faith believes and knows the love God has toward us. Faith boldly dwells in love and Love dwells in her. Faith does not fear, but enables the heart to love. And perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:16-18.) Faith is a shield of confidence. (1 John 5:14-15). Faith secures us against assault. The fiery darts of the wicked.
(2 Peter 5:9-10)
Faith can cast all it's care upon Him and trust Him and know that He cares. (2 Peter 5:7). Faith dares to ask anything of her Father.
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,
believing, ye shall receive.”
Faith can move mountains. Faith believes and knows the love God has toward us. Faith boldly dwells in love and Love dwells in her. Faith does not fear, but enables the heart to love. And perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:16-18.) Faith is a shield of confidence. (1 John 5:14-15). Faith secures us against assault. The fiery darts of the wicked.
is not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of the heart at the
Triune God. ...While we are looking at God we do not see ourselves--
blessed riddance. The man who has struggled to purify himself and
has had nothing but repeated failures will experience real relief
when he stops tinkering with his soul and looks away to the perfect
One. While he looks at Christ, the very things he has so long been
trying to do will be getting done within him. It will be God working
in him to will and to do. ...Faith looks out instead of in and the
whole life falls into line.” A.W. Tozer (Pursuit of God, 83)
Helmet of salvation.
would be null and void without the saving blood of Jesus Christ on
our account. By grace and faith are we saved, (Eph 2:8-9) in Jesus
Christ alone. There is no other salvation in anyone else, “for
there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we
must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).
Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
was standing, alone, out in a field, trying to pray. And they
surrounded me on every side. Demons. I was terrified, too scared to
run back home – what if they just followed me? Only a few weeks
ago my brother was confronted by them as well. So I started praying
aloud. I still felt desperate. So I started quoting Scripture, and
the strain melted away. They were gone.
don't know how common spiritual attack is in different families, but
my family has definitely had our fair share. Whether in sudden
fear, battles with depression, evil imaginations, or direct attack,
we've experienced it. Through it all, we have learned that those who
rule the darkness hate scripture.
4:12 says that the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. It pierces and divides asunder the soul and spirit
and discerns thoughts and intents of the heart.
asks – “Is not my word like a fire...and like a hammer that
breaketh the rock in pieces? (Jer.23:29)
can only be thoroughly furnished by knowing His word. (2 Tim.
always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching
thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints...”
Eph. 6:18
am convinced that we, and others, suffer because we forget to ask.
hope God will work in our behalf. Sometimes desperately hope. Or we
feel like we just need to “take it on the chin” and bear it all
cheerfully. Or trials weigh us down, the enemy beats down,we are
surrounded so we whimper. And our Father, with baited breath, waits
for us to call on Him. He wants to prove himself. And then when we
finally resort to prayer, we ask him for a sip -- when He's ready to
pour out the ocean.
I've asked many people if they know whether they will go to heaven or not when they die. And many answer. “I hope so.” We know that that person's eternity is at stake. How about us who “hope” God will work in us and for us?
is the last time we sincerely persevered in prayer for something or
someone? Have we recently asked God for something and knew He would
answer? If we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And
if He hears us we can know for certain that we have whatever petition
that we desire. God says so. (1 John 5:14-15).
recently have been praying very specific things for certain people.
And these people have told me (without any clue that I've been
praying for them) how God has taught them this, or done this thing
for them, or helped them in this area. God loves to work specifics.
He loves to work outside the box. He enjoys proving Himself and
getting glory. But He chooses to use channels. We've got to be
available and willing.
is the last time we came together, as siblings in Christ, and prayed
for something? God says that that we can ask anything and it will be
done for us. Where two or three are gathered together in His name He
is in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:19-20.)
ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,
and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:7
11:24 Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye
pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
I say unto you, Ask , and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall
find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Luke 11:9
5:16 “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed. The effectual prayer of a righteous man
availeth much.
unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty
thing, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3
34:17 “The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delievereth
them out of all their troubles."
This morning Jesus showed me that He has conquered demons through me. And it isn't me at all -- HE has girded me with strength to battle, He spread them abroad. He avenged me. He lifted me up on high above them that rose against me. He has delivered me from the violent. (2 Samuel 22)
My burden hasn't gone away. I am still on a battle front. The devil still seeks me out. These won't change. But! He has given me supernatural acceptance and compassion. He has given me a spiritual mission. One that involves pain. But He has supplied me with all I need to face them. He conquers demons through helpless, vulnerable, weak channels. He loves working through incompetent channels; He enjoys using the weak. I am amazed at how simple it is. Painful, but simple.
I wonder how much we limit Him and His angles because we choose to be blase' and silly on the battle field. There is a cost to following Him. There is a cost to allowing Him to love through us. There is a battle. A war. And no matter our distracted state, our adversary is full-time employed. The devil's only stumbling block – the warrior Christian. Those who are sober and vigilant. Who pray – believing behind their shield of faith. Those who use the word of God. The demons are only conquered by believing, willing, helpless Christians. Jesus is teaching my hands to war. Praise Him! He has given me peace. He has answered specific prayers. He loves answering specific prayers. The Spirit world is so real; so important. I am amazed at how joined the spirit world is with the physical. My work, my home, they are both battlefields. Like a friend so recently said, there is no such thing as a non-combatant in this war. We are all players, whether we want to be or not. When we fall asleep, we are not normally the devil's priority, but he has no qualms of slaying us then. But jump into the fray and we are lighted targets. We shine in a dark place and he will try to take us out.
Trained to War
My burden hasn't gone away. I am still on a battle front. The devil still seeks me out. These won't change. But! He has given me supernatural acceptance and compassion. He has given me a spiritual mission. One that involves pain. But He has supplied me with all I need to face them. He conquers demons through helpless, vulnerable, weak channels. He loves working through incompetent channels; He enjoys using the weak. I am amazed at how simple it is. Painful, but simple.
I wonder how much we limit Him and His angles because we choose to be blase' and silly on the battle field. There is a cost to following Him. There is a cost to allowing Him to love through us. There is a battle. A war. And no matter our distracted state, our adversary is full-time employed. The devil's only stumbling block – the warrior Christian. Those who are sober and vigilant. Who pray – believing behind their shield of faith. Those who use the word of God. The demons are only conquered by believing, willing, helpless Christians. Jesus is teaching my hands to war. Praise Him! He has given me peace. He has answered specific prayers. He loves answering specific prayers. The Spirit world is so real; so important. I am amazed at how joined the spirit world is with the physical. My work, my home, they are both battlefields. Like a friend so recently said, there is no such thing as a non-combatant in this war. We are all players, whether we want to be or not. When we fall asleep, we are not normally the devil's priority, but he has no qualms of slaying us then. But jump into the fray and we are lighted targets. We shine in a dark place and he will try to take us out.
wondered why evil seems to know our weaknesses so well. I remember a
pastor telling me that he wouldn't mention his weaknesses aloud for
fear the enemy would hear. They already know. How – I have no
idea. But they know the secret unmentioned weaknesses. Yet, it
doesn't matter. Because it's our weaknesses God can so greatly use.
The very thing that haunts us about ourselves is the most powerful
link to His power. Because there is absolutely nothing
can do with it. Weakness is difficult to rely on. Which is perfect
for Him, because we can't get in the way. God knows our weakness
better than we do. If He molded our strengths, it is not too long of a stretch to believe that He has given us our weaknesses. Where we are weak we can be sure
the place He intends to use us the most.
greater our weakness, the greater His glory. The more abnormal our
weakness, the more supernatural He will prove. Guilt is something to
shun. Our weakness in not an accident. We are not broken. There is
nothing to fix. Our weakness in not a crutch but a sword!
Loneliness may be a companion, if so we must learn to embrace it. God works
miracles in lonely places. The enemy has bows of steel. We have
our weaknesses. Satan's archers have had thousands of years of
experience, but we have the Creator God who is Forever, that moves
and lives through us.
are godly with God in you. You are righteous with Christ's blood
atonement. We are joint-heirs, children of God, pure and holy –
nothing less. Christ doesn't see us as less because we aren't
He has trusted us with our weakness. The greater our weakness the
more proof of His trust and great expectations. We are exactly what
He intended. Accept it, and we will find an incredible journey
before us. It doesn’t matter if we choose to go through it with
open alertness and armor, or asleep and hateful – either way is
painful. But with one we are not to be used, misery will depress us
– or, we can be channels in which He receives glory, and demons are
conquered, and our scars will be for Him.
Loved this Toni! I had already read it on RWR, but I read it again and it was just as much as a blessing and encouragement this time as it was the first time. It was just what I needed at this moment that I read it, I just sat reading and crying.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much writing and posting this,it was a huge blessing to me!
I am encouraged that this post meant something to you. I'm so glad it was timely and a blessing. Thank you for letting me know. Love you Tasha!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this Toni. Truly, an encouragement. What a thought- that our 'weakness' may be given to us, just as our 'strengths' and for a very specific reason. I feel like He has been showing me over and over again, that my weakness really is the door for His strength to flood through. It is precious. What a Saviour. There is nothing He over looked when He chose to save my soul. I cannot comprehend a better redemption. Thankful.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nay dear. Love the image of weakness being a door. Something we open when the floods of evil men cause us to fear...