Guest writer Melissa Bickish has been teaching a girls class for the past few months. I asked if she would share her thoughts with us on Maid Arise. I know this will be a blessing.
Garden Enclosed”:
or The PROTECTED Garden.
![Image result for old fashioned garden gate]()
Lord has given me a lot of thoughts recently on gardens. I believe
that the illustration of our lives being a garden or vineyard is one
of His personal favorites. Spurgeon said in his book “ Evening by
Evening” that “Sin ruined that
fair abode of all delights( the garden of Eden) … There is another
garden which the King watered with His bloody sweat- Gethsemane….
At Gethsemane, the mischief of the serpent in the first garden was
undone…. This is the garden of gardens where the soul may see the
guilt of sin and the power of love. My heart should also be His
garden. How do the flowers flourish? Do any choice fruits appear?
Does the King walk within and rest in the shelter of my spirit?...let
the spices of Your garden flow abroad.”
- Spurgeon
greatest events in the history of the world were wrought in a garden!
It was in a garden that the life of man first began, in a garden that
sin and separation first separated us from God, it was in a garden
that the struggle to submit to the plan of salvation was won, and in
another that death and the grave were conquered at the resurrection.
God loves gardens! He makes them all over the world, even ones that
no one sees unless that happen to step into some remote glen
untouched by human eye or hand. He loves beautiful things. He has a
special place in His heart for gardens.
2: 8 says, “And the LORD God
planted a garden..”
God loves to plant gardens and vineyards and then cultivate them to
be what He sees them becoming.
19:41 Now in the place where he
was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre,
wherein was never man yet laid.
Just an interesting note to think
about, throughout the Bible gardens are often listed a Burial places.
Sepulchres were most often found in gardens.
almost always had a private garden. God just happens to have a very
vast multitude of gardens. He calls Himself the Husbandman in so many
verse, in other words the ‘keeper’ of the garden, the gardener if
you will.
Lord loves to take barren waste land and plots of dry ground and
transform them into beautiful gardens for His own Glory.
51:3“ For the LORD shall comfort
Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her
wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy
and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of
58:11 “And the LORD shall guide
thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy
bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of
water, whose waters fail not.
31:12 “…and their soul shall be
as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all.”
36:35, “And they shall say, This
land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the
waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are
5:1, “Now will I sing to my
wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My
wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill: And he fenced
it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the
choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a
winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth
when he walked on earth often retired to a garden, or a place alone
with nature to refresh Himself. He loved gardens. John
18:1 “When Jesus had spoken these
words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where
was a garden, into the which he entered, and his disciples.”
all, what is a garden? Webster defines it as: an enclosure, a plot of
ground where herbs, flowers, fruits or vegetables are cultivated. To
cultivate is: to prepare, to loosen or break up soil, to foster, to
grow, improve, refine, encourage or further.
garden is Property:
means they are pieces of land that belong to Someone. When we were
lost the garden or plot of land in our heart belonged to us. Now that
Christ has created our land, paid for our land, and redeemed our
land, our garden no longer belongs to us. .It has been purchased and
paid for It is His garden, His fruit, His place to abide.
6:2 and 11 “My
beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed
in the gardens, and to gather lilies…. I went down into the garden
of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine
flourished, and the pomegranates budded.”
hearts are God’s little plot of land to be grown, encouraged and
furthered in order to bring forth something useful. He considers this
to be one of the most beloved of His walking places.
Lord is the dweller of our garden. We are to be enclosed from the
things outside and ‘shut up’ to His own personal Presence. God
delights in walking though His garden, talking to His plants and
personally cultivating us! We are HIS garden.
Ridley Havergal says in her book, “kept for the master’s use.”
That we are like a plot of land that needs care.
Suppose you make over a piece of ground to another person. You
give it up, then and there, entirely to that other; it is no longer
in your own possession; you no longer dig and sow, plant and reap, at
your discretion or for your own profit. His occupation of it is
total; no other has any right to an inch of it: it is His affair
thenceforth what crops to arrange for and how to make the most of it.
But His practical occupation of it may not appear all at once. There
may be waste land which He will take into full cultivation only by
degrees, space wasted for want of draining or by over-fencing, and
odd corners lost for want of enclosing; because of hedgerows too wide
and shady, and trees too many and spreading, and strips of good soil
trampled into uselessness for want of defined pathways. Just so it is
with our lives. The transaction of , so to speak, making them over to
God is definite and complete. But then begins the practical
development of consecration. And here He leads on softly, according
as the children be able to endure…And so, season by season, we
shall be sometimes not a little startled, yet always very glad, as we
find that bit by bit the Master shows how much more may be made of
our ground, how much more He is able to make of it than we did; and
we shall be willing to work under Him and do exactly what He points
out, even if it comes to cutting down a shady tree or clearing out a
ditch full of pretty weeds and wild-flowers. “
(or Enclosed).
3:11 “And I will rebuke the
devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your
ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the
field, saith the LORD of hosts.” This
one is a BEAUTIFUL thought. God hedges us in and protects our ‘tender
grapes’ from the foxes of this world and Satan! Here He says He
will keep us protected from the ‘spoiler’. God never allows
anything to touch your garden that isn’t His will for your garden.
If you ‘wall’ is under siege by Satan, rest assured, God hasn’t
left you undefended. He always takes care of his own.
read from Song of Solomon Chapter 4 verses 9 through 5:1.
hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my
heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck. How fair is
thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than
wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices! Thy lips, O
my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy
tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon. A
garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain
sealed. Thy plants are
an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with
spikenard, Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all
trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices: A
fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from
Lebanon. Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my
garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come
into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.”
12 calls His beloved “A garden inclosed, a spring shut up and a
fountain sealed.” I want to talk about the meaning of this in the
garden of our hearts.
We are to be protected in purity!
We do have the ability to open this wall, tear it down, or unlock
this gate and allow impure thoughts to enter… thereby ‘cheating’
upon our gardener. We sometimes willingly allow these ‘foxes’ of
IMAGINATION to damage our tender grapes and destroy the small plants
by digging at their roots. I recently researched what Foxes actually
do to grapevines due to curiosity about the verses about “little
foxes” spoiling the vines. This is what I found out.
or little foxes could also be jackals. Foxes destroy vines by…
the branches, biting the bark, making bare the roots, devouring the
ripe grapes… jackals eat only grapes, not the vine flowers; but
they need to be driven out in time before the grapes are ripe.”
reference is talking about both when the grapes are RIPE and when
they are still TENDER… meaning not yet ripe. The Foxes destroy the
plant itself, damaging the ability to produce fruit… and when there
is fruit it also consumes it. Jackals don’t destroy the vine, but
eat all the fruit.
want to talk about the importance of being an Enclosed Garden when
you are younger. The habits you form before you become a woman help
you in continuing in these habits of purity whenever you are faced
with strong physical temptations. The older you grow the stronger the
natural desire for human love grows. Beginning at a young age in
casting down imaginations can make a HUGE difference when there is
‘fruit’ at stake.
does a garden that is enclosed look like? Webster defines being
Enclosed as: to close in, surround, to fence off for individual use,
to hold in, or confine. For some reason when I read this definition
my heart doesn’t like the sound of being confined, or restrained…
or what might feel lonely. The Lord doesn’t view our garden this
way though. In the Bible He calls us His beloved. When we are
enclosed FROM the world and harms and enclose TO Him in safety. God’s
rules are never to harm us, they are always to protect us. When He
thus mentions “evil imaginations” and “falsehoods” or things
that aren’t true: we know that these are not acceptable because
they can harm us. Jer. 13:10, 25 and
10:14 say…
evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the
imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them,
and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for
nothing….thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood….every
founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is
falsehood, and there is no breath in them.”
Lord rebukes Israel as a nation over and over for the evil
imaginations of their own hearts. This is where the
rubber-meets-the-road so to speak about purity. None of us ever
intend to actually physically LOSE our purity, but do we truly guard
it in all areas? Are we just as convicted from a frivolous, untrue
thought that is ‘romantically based’ as we would blush to think
of the actual act of love? They are truly the beginning, the ‘tender
grapes” if you will, or our heart’s imaginations. We are to have
our minds submitted to Chrsit! This is the purity-war-zone… the
battle is fought and LOST or WON in your mind first before it ever
moves to actions. God requires purity of heart, and thought, not just
action. He knows better than we do, how our thoughts affect and lead
to actions. If you are thinking how un-contented you are with being
single, it will affect your actions.. you may notice shortness of
temper, irritability, and outward actions that symbolize a deeper
heart issue… it is the same with purity. Before you would ever
actually sin physically in impurity, you will think a ‘romantic’
thought that Satan convinces us in ‘enjoyable’ and ‘harmless’.
These thoughts are not harmless! They have an affect. If nothing else
they will make you un-content that your Gardener hasn’t decided
that you are ready to be joined to someone else’s garden yet. These
are SERIOUS issues. In Song of Solomon there is ONE verse that is
REAPEATED over and over again.
says ” I charge you, O ye daughters
of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye
stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.” (S.s.2:7,
3:5, and 8:4)
would the Lord repeat this same verse to the DAUGHTERS ( the
unmarried single women) of Jerusalem 3 times if it wasn’t
important. To “Stir up” implies a purposeful, curiosity and
intentionally awakening something that is to remain dormant and or
asleep. The Greek word carries a connotation of ‘WHY” stir up?
What good will it do? Also in Song of Solomon we find the principle
of the younger woman’s purity carrying her through her later years.
me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is
strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof
are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters
cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would
give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be
contemned.We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what
shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?If
she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she
be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.I am a wall, and
my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found
is a perfect example of a younger women and how her desire for purity
is protected. Her FAMILY was a part of protecting her. In
verse 9 If she is only a wall, we’ll
enclose it all the way around… if she be but a door… we’ll
frame it. It shows a joint protection. She is a wall, she is trying
to guard herself and needs to be surrounded completely around by
safety. If she is a door and trying to block out the world and it’s
impure ways then we’ll help by building a frame. Look at verse
10… It is a joyful declaration of
being a WALL when we are older. We have practiced at a younger age
this casting down imaginations and it has lead us to be Wall of
strength for purity when we are older. The same DESIRE for purity in
her youth held her through her days of temptations. And because of
this she has found favor in the eyes of her beloved. Are you keeping
yourself pure for your future husband or for Christ???
not up… but what if they are ‘stirred up’ and I struggle with
this feeling of wanting to be loved, cherished, kissed, held, by a
man? Let me just say you are NORMAL! Just because we are not to
purpously awaken these desires for physical love, does not mean that
we won’t ever have any. As a matter of fact we all do! You aren’t
alone if you’ve ever had this desire. It is truly more than a
desire, it is a natural, God-given instinct to be loved this way. We
are created with it built into who we are. The truth is that this
natural, God-given instinct needs to be submitted, surrendered and
given back to the one who gave it to you. It isn’t wrong…. if
you’re married. However, we obviously aren’t. To desire this love
outside of marriage is dangerous. The God who gave you these desires
and instincts knows better than you how to deal with them. Purity is
attacked, because it’s beautiful, innocent and Godly. Satan hates
you for being pure!!! And if he can’t destroy you’re literal
physical purity, he’ll try and destroy your purity of heart. We
don’t HAVE pure hearts, instead our hearts are deceitful and
wicked. They must as our garden plots be submitted and yielded to the
God of all purity and entrusted to Him to be kept safe. I’d like to
quote Toni Hutto here and read what she recently wrote that
encouraged my heart so much.
enemy often attacks us in places God has chosen to prove strong in.
If your thought life is under attack, and your purity under siege,
know that it is because God has a plan for your life... It's okay to
be weak in these areas. It only means we will rely all the more
readily on Someone mightier than we are!"
are ALL weak in this area of protecting our own purity. We are ALL
attacked in our purity, We ALL desire to be married and loved, We ALL
struggle to surrender this are. You aren’t alone, and most
certainly not left UNPROTECTED by God and your family.
We are to be protected by our Priest.
do you respond whenever the Lord asks of you a higher standard in
your conduct and what He allows in your life than He may ask in
someone else’s life? Do you feel ‘restricted’ or do you feel
‘protected’? However you heart honestly answers this question
makes a huge difference on how you will respond to the Lord. God
PROTECTS us by removing IDOLS from our hearts. It is never a pleasant
experience to have an idol revealed to you and be asked to let go of
it altogether… however this is the primary way that Christ protects
us as individuals. You may have heard people talking about how they
are permitted to do things that you are not, perhaps your Keeper
seems to be a very Jealous one indeed and you feel you’ve been
‘restricted’ from so many things… let me encourage your heart…
you must be very precious to the Lord indeed if He is so JEALOUS over
5:9a “Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them:
for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,..”
like to talk about idols here… because these are those little
“images” of the heart that truly DAMAGE our walk with God more
than anything. We have idolatrous hearts by nature! We are made with
the innate desire to ADMIRE and WORSHIP SOMEONE.
want you to think about the word IDOL and divide its individual
letters in your mind. An idol is an..
we were to seriously get on our knees and ask that there be ‘nothing
between’ our souls and our Savior we are almost always faced with
something to confess, repent of and forsake!
Idol is ANYTHING or ANYONE who has an Inordinate Degree Of Love in
your heart. Idols are most easily recognized in our responses to
being asked to relinquish them. They are most easily discerned
whenever you FEEL THAT RELUCTANCE TO LET GO of something.
idols can be literally anything: from a garment that you like that is
‘questionable’ as far as it’s modesty, to a man you are
desperately in ‘like’ with and seem to constantly think about.
I’m not saying that attraction for someone is an idol, it is when
we are asked to let go of our hold over that emotion that it becomes
an idol. A feeling of attraction once handed to the Lord becomes HIS
you feel you are STUBBORNLY holding onto anything it is an Idol.
Sam. 15:23 “For rebellion is as
the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness
is as iniquity and idolatry.”
The proof of iniquity and
idolatry is your stubborn tenacious clinging onto them. For fun I
found a ‘p-word’ for stubbornness. ;)
“holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action.”
you are pertinaciously clinging to something Christ has asked you to
free from you are guilty of the sin of idolatry.
only reason that the Lord desires your heart to be only, always, all
for Him is because He is a Jealous God who protects His bride even
whenever she accuses Him of being ‘unfair’ in the process. CHRIST
get this image of a garden with a wretched Thorn-bush right in the
middle… and the gardener is attempting to uproot this ugly thorn
bush and the whole time the garden is resisting and crying that it’s
beloved and special thorn-bush be spared… He will never forcibly
remove your thorn bush without your consent and yielding… Is there
a bush that is prickly, harmful and painful to you that you are
stubbornly refusing to allow God to uproot from your garden?
like to end with the thought that the only safe IDOL you can have in
your life is one that is worthy of all praise and glory. Christ
can be our idol! We can worship,
love and adore Him as having the first place in our heart whenever we
truly believe He only ever removes what is harmful to HIS GARDEN.
I so appreciated being able to read this, Liss! I am very fond of my container garden and have spent many happy hours tending it, thus this illustration rang especially true for me. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you Liss for sharing your thoughts. It was a blessing at the class, and I'm thankful you were willing to share it here as well.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad, Jana, that you found this blessing. I am thankful you could relate to it. And Toni, you're encouraging smiles at me during our class have always been a help to make me less nervous. :) Thanks so much for your support.
ReplyDeleteLoved it Liss,thanks for sharing it! Thanks for sharing it with us at our class, your lessons are always a really neat blessing. :) Love you
As you already know Liss, I've loved your lessons on "Garden Principles". They've been such a blessing and a help to me. I've appreciated so much, you taking the time. I really have. Thank you Liss. And Thanks Toni, for posting it on here.
ReplyDeleteI love you ladies dearly and I am more than grateful that I could somehow encourage anyone of you.