Part I
love being unchangeable, He is just as loving when we do not see or
feel His love…” (Havergal,
It is one of the most misunderstood words. Some might consider love
to be a sappy, weak or feminine emotion. Others might consider it a
seductive feeling, intimacy, or attraction. Lately, I’ve been
learning what love is. Some might define love as a very deep,
complex, beautiful action not really related to emotion at all.
guess I began learning several Autumns ago, when I was confused,
searching and needy. I’d like to share this diary entry.
17, 2011
rob myself of my joy when my mind is completely consumed with other
things than Him. I have lately desired marriage. That is not a bad
thing. But when I am most content is when Christ is my all – then
I do not experience the “need” to be courting or married. Even
my dear friend in her last letter mentioned how the Lord is having to
teach her joy. And she is courting! Even when our desires are
fulfilled we still need Christ just as much.
must fall in love with Christ in order to keep my yearnings at bay.
I will feel accepted and loved if I allow Christ to fill my need.
have felt slightly unappreciated lately. Not really…needed. I
feel like no-one would be put out if I was gone. I know they would
miss the things I do (chores) because they would have to do them, but
they wouldn’t miss me, as a person. I know that is untrue, because
I know I add to the family’s “make up” whether that’s a good
thing or not…
Everyone is used to me being here, so if I was gone the familiarity
of my presence would most likely be missed. But would I, as a
example, Dad cannot live without mom. He must have some contact with
her or he suffers. She is needed. Desperately. Someone needs her.
For who she is, not just what she gives. Her value is in who she is
to Dad, his wife, not the fact that she does his laundry, cheerfully
keeps the home, gives birth to his children, etc. He would give
anything for her, even his life.
anyone need me? Am I important to anyone? Does anyone feel the same
way about me?
first thought, or without much thought at all, I would reply, no.
Not even my parents need me. Dad’s need for love is met by Mom.
Mom’s yearning for love, protection, acceptance, is met by Dad. My
parents love me, but their love is not adequate for the yearning in
my heart. My family loves me, but it doesn’t even come close to
filling the vast void I have. The closest people given to be mine
are not enough.
is why being loved in a different way seems so attractive. The
feeling that someone could possibly be attracted to you in some other
way than “just a friend” is exciting. It seems they need you.
Not for what I do, but for who I am. They seem to admire me, my
personality. They care how I feel, what I think of them. My
feelings are important. They care. I have not given a thing to
them, and yet, they still like me, even want to know me better. They
wouldn’t consider it a sacrifice to spend time with me, they enjoy
me, I am important to them.
a danger. And I know it is and still desire to be tempted. I am
evil. So very selfish. It isn’t love that desires to take, to
accept such admiration. If I loved my brothers in Christ, I would
protect their hearts by treating them as brothers, giving them no
ideas otherwise. It is no wonder we young adults are controlled by
our emotions. They are so terribly strong.”
I then read a quote by Hannah Whittal Smith that started a chang in my heart. I
started to grasp what love really was.
“…if you have ever loved any earthly relation; if you have ever loved any of your fellow human beings enough to find sacrifice and service on their behalf a joy; if a whole-souled abandonment of your will to the will of another has ever gleamed across you as a blessed and longed-for privilege, or as a sweet and precious reality, then by all the tender longing love of your Heavenly Lover would I entreat you to let it be so towards Christ!
He loves you with more than the love of friendship. As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so does He rejoice over you, and nothing but the bride’s surrender will satisfy Him. He has given you all, and He asks for all in return. The slightest reserve will grieve Him to the heart. He spared not Himself, and how can you spare yourself? For your sake He poured out in a lavish abandonment all that He had, and for His sake you must pour out all that you have, without stint or measure.
Oh be generous in your self-surrender! Meet His measureless devotion for you with a measureless devotion to Him. Be glad and eager to throw yourself unreservedly into His loving arms, and to hand over the reins of government to Him. Whatever there is of you, let Him have it all. Give up forever everything that is separate from Him. Consent to resign, from this time forward, all liberty of choice, and glory in the blessed nearness of union which makes the enthusiasm of devotedness not only possible but necessary.”(Smith 218-219)
Here is what I wrote afterward --
does love me enough to adequately fill my heart’s yearning.
Someone does want me. Someone loves me not for what I do, say, or
look like; but loves me unselfishly, as a person. Someone cares to
the utmost what I think, how I feel, what emotions I own. Someone
cares! I have not given Him
one thing that He did not already have. I haven’t given this
Someone anything, and yet He still loves me. He would stop whatever
to hear me. He wants to listen. I am important to Him. He would do
anything for me…even if it was to suffer and die for me. Jesus.
He is the only one capable of truly loving me. He never tires of me.
He is
enough to satisfy my need for love. He makes human love seem small
compared. Someone loves me. I am needed, or He wouldn’t have
created me. Why compromise my purity for a lowly “love” when I
could have the best?
would find His love satisfactory if I would accept it. I actually
have to listen, spend time with Him, or then He doesn’t have the
chance to demonstrate His love. Nothing, not even my knowing better,
constrains my desire for love… I’ll still look in the wrong
places, even when I know it’s wrong, and I’ll enjoy the
sensation. The only thing that can draw me away from corrupt “love”
is, (not guilt, not rules), but real love. Christ’s love. If His
loves satisfies me and I love my brothers in Christ’s love, then I
won’t need any other kind and will find myself truly content and in
love with the right Someone. What a lover He is. I must accept
I now realized He was
calling me. He gave everything; how could I hesitate to surrender
everything to Him – the All Knowing? Yet I did hesitate: I was
afraid. I had surrendered before and when I gave, what happened? He
took from me. Earlier I had surrendered my pride and He humbled me by
allowing me to break my collar bone. I gave Him my media and He
limited what I could read and watch. I gave Him my wardrobe and He
took certain clothes and restricted what I could and could not wear.
It felt like no-one else had to sacrifice, but because I dared to, I
was left without and alone. I gave Him something and where did He
lead me? To a lonely path. And all along I had just desired for
someone to love me. This strict way looked nothing like my heart’s
continued to read The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life and
Mrs. Smith spoke to my heart again. The Lord used this part in her
book to be such a blessing. It was like He sat down on my bed and
spoke directly to me through the book. Please bear with me in this
lengthy quote. I hope it blesses you like it did me.
you never longed to lavish your love and attentions on someone far
off from you in position or circumstances, with whom you were not
intimate enough for any closer approach? Have you not felt a
capacity for self-surrender and devotedness that has seemed to burn
within you like a fire, and yet had no object upon which it dared to
lavish itself? Have not your hands been full of “alabaster boxes
of ointment very precious,” which you have never been near enough
to any heart to pour out? If, then, you are hearing the lovely voice
of your Lord calling you out into a place of nearness to Himself that
will require a separation from all else, and that will make an
enthusiasm of devotedness not only possible but necessary, will you
shrink or hesitate? Will you think it hard that He reveals to you
more of His mind than He does to others, and that He will not allow
you to be happy in anything that separates you from Himself? Do you
go where He cannot go with you, or to have pursuits which He cannot
no, a thousand times no! You will spring out to meet His lovely will
with an eager joy. Even His slightest wish will become a binding law
to you that it would fairly break your heart to disobey. You will
glory in the very narrowness of the path He asks out for you, and
will not pity, with an infinite pity, the poor far-off ones who have
missed this precious joy. The obligations of love will be to you its
sweetest privileges; and the right you have acquired to lavish the
uttermost wealth of abandonment of all that you have upon your Lord
will seem to lift you into a region of unspeakable glory. The
perfect happiness of perfect obedience will dawn upon your soul, and
you will begin to know something of what Jesus meant when He said, “I
do thy will, O my God.” (Smith
actually cried when I read it. It was exactly what I was dealing
with and it was so close to my heart. So often I had feelings of
where I wanted to pour out the love I had…and I had no-one who
would take it seriously. Ah, but my God was calling me. He drew me near Himself and called.
this thought crossed my mind. He fulfills my need to be loved, for
He loves me. I do not have to yearn for someone to fill that void in
my heart, that need to be loved. He does! He loves me! But then
this thought also – He fulfills my need to be needed. I yearn for
someone to need me. Not only do I want to receive love, but I want
to give love. I want someone to need my love to be given. It makes
sense to me that I
need Him, but for Him to need me seems almost foolish. I was
overwhelmed what I read next:
do you think the joy in this will be all on your side? Has the Lord
no joy in those who have thus surrendered themselves to Him, and who
love to obey Him? Ah, my friends, we are not able to understand
this; but surely Scriptures reveal to us glimpses of the delight, the
satisfaction, the joy our Lord has in us, which rejoice our soul with
their marvelous suggestions of blessedness. That we
should need Him is easy to comprehend; but that He
should need us seems incomprehensible. That our desire should be
toward Him is a matter of course; but that His desire should be
toward us passes the bounds of human belief. And yet He says it, and
what can we do but believe Him?”
(Smith 120)
that beautiful? To know that He desires me? He made my heart capable of such love and then offered Himself as the object of it!
has created in me the desire to be loved and to give love. And He
offers Himself as the Lover and the Lovable. What better person
could we want to love us? What better person could we bestow love
think, He, the God of our very being kneels down, takes my hand in
His and quietly asks me, His own already, “Will you have me, would
you allow me to be your Beloved?”
could I refuse? How could I deem anyone more precious? He knows how
to perfectly love; he would never fail or forsake me. He has proven
faithful as Savior; why not trust Him with all my heart as Lover?
Yet, He will not force Himself on me, I must choose; for forced love
is not love at all. This love is not only available to me, but to
all of His children.