Political/World Issues
More Than a Statistic

This baby was born in February of this year to Mary and Russ Vrought who chose to keep her, despite the fact that they knew she had a genetic disorder called Cystic Fibrosis (CF).
That may sound harsh, but according to statistics, 87% of babies diagnosed with CF are aborted. Unlike Porter Louise these babies were never given the chance to live.
But when the Vrought parents look at their baby girl this is what they see...
... a tiny precious life entrusted into their care for a reason. In their words --
"When we look at Porter we don't see a statistic and we don't see cystic fibrosis -- we see a bundle of joy who has blessed our lives tremendously. Because of Porter, our hearts break for sick children and their families in a new way. We sypathize greatly with those that can't afford or struggle to pay for basic medical needs. And the daily stresses of life that often used to consume us, matter much less.
The arrival of Porter has also deepened our faith in God. Instead of dwelling on her condition, we have been constantly reminded that she is 'fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalm 139:14) in order 'that the works of God might be displayed in [her]' (John 9:3). Her Creator has a special purpose for her exactly as she is.

do not mean to mask the very real challenges involved with caring for
Porter. She has daily breathing treatments, chest
physiotherapy, a number of expensive medications, doctor visits and
not to mention the measures we must take in an attempt to keep her
many, the idea of having a child with CF may seem like a heavy
burden, but the joy we receive when she smiles from ear to ear
outweighs that burden. We cherish the moments we have together
and can't imagine life without her.
see, our daughter is only five months old but she's already
completely transformed the way we look at this world. She may
not have the world's longest life, but she will have a good life, and
for that we are forever grateful."
view the entire story please click link below.
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