our Lord, Joseph's tomb made the death clear beyond doubt. The tomb
was the climax of the death. He was dead and buried. For him who
follows it means this, a burial clear out of sight in the soil of
the need of men's lives. He who simply gets in behind and
faithfully follows will find himself actually being buried in the
needs of men. And only where there is such a burial can there come
resurrection power into the life.”
Really appreciate this quote Toni. It goes well with a few things the Lord has been showing me lately. Amazing how we don't have a right to be selfish with the souls of other men. They have a right to take from us. To be buried that His life would resurrect, that others might know Him.
Really appreciate this quote Toni. It goes well with a few things the Lord has been showing me lately. Amazing how we don't have a right to be selfish with the souls of other men. They have a right to take from us. To be buried that His life would resurrect, that others might know Him.