Political/World Issues
How We Can Help
Guest writer Chris Hutto shares how we can practically be a voice for the voiceless.
First of all I have to say that the work of abortion abolition is not that complicated. Truly there are lots of things we can be doing but we have to keep a few things in perspective for it to be effective.
Our goal should always be the Gospel.
If we want a lasting change in the hearts of people we have to show them the cross. You can convince a lost person to be “pro-life” but if they are not shown God's law they will have no foundation to base their new belief on and will be easily persuaded back to the world's way of thinking. Abortion isn't wrong because babies are human or because they feel pain but because God says it is wrong. Every unborn child is made in the image of God. (Gen. 9:6) People don't need to be shown that abortion is ethically inconsistent with human rights but that those that commit an abortion are transgressing against the perfect law of a holy and just God. Abortion is a sin but God can and will forgive because of His wondrous mercy!
Abortion abolition has to be the personal work of believers.
Many people believe that Christian ministries should be the work of our spiritual leaders and pastors but the Bible shows us that the work of God is the work of the Christian. We shouldn't wait for others to do right before we do what Christ has commanded. We shouldn't subcontract our Christianity out to special groups or those in the “ministry.” Just because we give money to charity or missions doesn't exempt us from participation.
Our message should extend far beyond that of the mainstream pro-life groups.
Most pro-life organizations focus on the humanity of the unborn children instead of the commands of a righteous God. It is good to recognize that unborn children are human beings but that shouldn't be the main reason abortion is wrong. How do you prove to the lost and willfully ignorant majority that the unborn are babies? Do you mention that they feel pain or that they have a heart beat? Maybe you could mention that they have their own distinct DNA or that they dream. Does this prove that abortion is wrong? Do not animals share these same things? Most pro-life groups make abortion a political issue instead of the sin of murder. Our focus shouldn't be regulating abortions but abolishing it. Slavery was abolished in England without bloodshed why can't abortion be abolished in the same way?
So now that we have set the foundation for abortion abolition now let me write about what we can do about it. I need to say that everything we do must be done in the Spirit. Without God we can do nothing. Truly it would be pointless. The Spirit does the drawing. We are commanded to walk in the Spirit and because of this relationship with God our response to the world around us will be effective in reaching them for Christ. If the work of the Lord is done in the flesh it is a waste of time and will actually be harmful to the name of Christ. I will give you a detailed list of some of the things that I have done or have seen others do that is effective in the work of abortion abolition. Of course it doesn't have to be limited to this list and if anyone has any other ideas I would love to hear about them.
Psalm 6:9 “The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.” James 5:16 “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Philippians 4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. “
1 John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:”
Do we believe in the power of prayer? Through Christ's death on the cross the veil was rent which led to the Holiest of all. Now we have direct access into the throne room of God. (Matthew 27:51; Hebrews 9:3; Hebrews 4:16) We are commanded to come boldly unto God. We are the children of God. He desires to give us good things. We love the unborn but how much more does God love those tiny children that He personally is forming and creating in the womb? Prayer isn't some ritual but a conversation with our Father. We need to pray to God that he would work mightily on behalf of those being drawn to death. Abortion can be abolished but it will take a miracle so why would we ever want to exclude the one and only Miracle Worker?
Speaking out.
Proverbs 31:8 “Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.”
We have to be the voice for the voiceless. Who else is going to? They can't speak for themselves. God will hold us accountable for whether or not we did this very thing. We can't leave the work of abortion abolition to the dedicated few or we will never see it done. Every believer must speak out for the unborn.
James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” How much more fatherless can a child be than the one being destroyed at the abortion mills by their own parents?
They have a physical dad but they do not have a father. We can speak out by first talking to our family and friends about the sin of abortion. We can encourage our Pastor to preach against it. We can go to the high schools and talk to the children about it. You would be amazed at how open many of the high school kids are to hearing about abortion and the gospel if we will just only take the time to converse with them. One of the best ways to start a conversation with some one that you have just met is to ask for their opinion on abortion. Most people love to give their opinion and most of the time will allow you to give yours. To do these things you will have to face a lot of fears but it is always worth it. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Write about it.
One of the ways we speak out is through writing. Most of us write emails and texts all the time but what do we write for the unborn? We may think that we don't have enough time but we truly make time to the things we
Also, click here to contact Idaho's Senate Leadership. And here for the House's Leadership.
Holding Signs.
For some people this might be a bit intimidating because you are expressing your belief in a very public way. I understand but this is one of the best ways to start a dialog with people. Protests and demonstrations have been one of America's most common tactics in bringing awareness to important issues.
Handing out tracts and drop cards.
This is a great way to bring awareness to the abortion issue and to share the Gospel. This is also a good way for someone to engage in evangelism that may be afraid to talk with someone face to face. Sometimes after a conversation with someone I will give them a track so they can continue to learn about what I was just sharing with them. Tracks are great to hand out at events. You can hand out hundreds in just a few minutes. Drop cards are also great. As there name implies you don't even have to hand them to people. You can just drop them anywhere. The drop cards we use for abortion abolition are just the right size for putting in the credit card slot on gas pumps. You can leave tracks in library books or waiting rooms. Living Waters has a great selection of Gospel tracks on their website with a solid Gospel message. We use drop cards from ahagear.com which is Abolish Human Abortion's online store. (Some drop cards on their site have abortion images.)
This truly is a combination of all these things. This is where you must be prepared for spiritual warfare. Because of the situation people's emotions are heightened. You will be able to warn the children's parents one last time before they destroy it. We must have answers for the mothers for they have all the reasons in the world to justify their actions. We must be compassionate for these women but also bold for the truth.
High school Outreach.
Again this is a combination of the above. Many people call the clinic work the Front lines of abortion abolition but truly it starts at the high schools. This is the next generation. These are the people being lied to. Many have already had abortions before they reach the age of eighteen. Amazingly, many are open to talking about abortion and the Gospel. The children in the high schools are encouraged in their promiscuity. They often have no respect for sexual purity or the life of the unborn. They must be warned and the works of darkness exposed.
Abortion isn't just a political issue but because of the callous attitude of politicians it must be addressed on this level. As Christians we should never support a candidate that is in favor of child sacrifice. If he wont protect the freedoms of the smallest and most innocent among us how do we ever expect him to protect and stand for our conservative values. But really that is beside the point. We should not be putting our support behind someone
Just the Beginning...
I am sure that there is more we could do but this is a start. I hope that it will be a help. Maybe you have another idea. I will be writing another post on what to say when people challenge our biblical stand next time. There are some really common statements that “pro-choice” people will say and they all have simple answers. I know that this can seem overwhelming but I hope that I can help encourage someone to take the first step in speaking out for the unborn.
Please share your thoughts here on the blog or contact Chris. To contact Chris please click here.
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Thanks Sarah for the comment. Sorry that it's taken me so long to reply. Getting feedback is always an encouragement!
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