Luke 8:54

"And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid arise." Luke 8:54

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Divine Appointment

Maybe this will encourage someone.

Sometimes it is a Divine appointment. Sometimes it is just being willing to listen to ask think for put yourself out there...or just to care enough to be someone's friend.

I don't like Walmart. In fact, I hate that store and typically never shop there. But I found myself there after work the other night running errands with my sister. I went up to the photo counter. Just a few quick prints while I was killing time waiting. It was after hours, and so usually the photo department would have a sign that said something like "see electronics for assistance". Well, sure enough there was that sign. But there was a young woman still working behind the counter. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun and she was wearing a long black skirt. I smiled at her and she came over to assist me. We exchanged the usual "Hello, how are yous". Usually only "Christians" of some flavor wear skirts anymore. There was a pause in I asked her. "Are you a Christian?" She looked up surprised. "No. I'm agnostic. I don't believe anything." "Oh." I said. She continued...."my husband and I hold a bible study once a week at our house though." "Oh, okay." I was surprised. "So... if you don't believe anything, what is it that you do at your bible study?" I asked. She looked even more surprised. "Good question". She said smiling. "We just ask questions. We try to figure things out by discussing questions with each other." "So... have you found any answers?" She smiled again and said, "Good question!" (She had a thing for questions. :)) She nodded her head and said how that they had all decided that there would be enough room on earth to hold all the people who have ever been born when the Resurrection takes place. (Wow. That was the first time I'd heard that one.) "Oh, really? Well, why would you need space on earth if we are being resurrected?" I asked. She looked dumbfounded for a second and then said again, more emphatically... "That's a good question! I don't know." She was smiling at me. She seemed both happy and surprised that some random person in Walmart would care to talk to her about her religious views...or lack thereof. "Well, I'm a Christian. Can I give you a book to read?" I said...searching my bag for the copy of the book "DONE" I had ready for such occasions. (For those who don't know what that book is... it is basically a short read, giving the gospel of Jesus Christ and explaining how there are only really two religions in the world. Those who believe you DO something to earn God's favor and those who trust what Jesus has already DONE on the cross. It's an awesome tool for evangelism.) "Yes!" She said. I was so excited she would take it and that I wasn't hauled out by a Walmart manager for "distributing christian literature"! Haha"I hope this helps you find some answers", I said and then asked if I could give her my phone number. We exchanged names. I don't normally give my phone number to strangers...but I've taken to doing it quite often lately when the appropriate occasion presents itself. "Do you text?" She asked. "Yes. And I'd love to talk to you more if you have any questions." She was so appreciative...and I really believe sincerely seeking. I paused before leaving. "You know, I really believe that God wanted me to talk to you today...and to give you that book." She just smiled at me. She knew I cared. She knew I was sincerely concerned for her soul. And she thanked me.

Sometimes God just throws someone in our path. Sometimes not. Jesus went to SEEK the lost...He didn't just wait around for some special feeling of "this is my one supernatural opportunity for the week". He went looking for sinners. In fact, He was a FRIEND to sinners. We should be careful not to be more concerned about "spiritual separation" than the souls of men. We are not to be OF the world...but we are to be IN it. But it is so exciting when you get to see a Divine Appointment play out. God gives us a free will. He gave us a choice to obey. Or to disobey. To be silent. Or to speak out. One thing I have learned with all my that God loves to use people who are willing! Any time I've ever asked Him to use me...He does. Any time I've really honestly been open...He takes me up on it. Why? Because He cares about lost souls. He loves them. Unlike us. He doesn't waste an opportunity to reach someone with the gospel of Jesus matter where it is or what it is or who it is....and neither should we.


  1. Thank you for this post Lynea. What a neat opportunity! Praise the Lord! It was very encouraging to read. Love you!! <3
    Love, Katie

    1. Thanks Katie. I'm glad it could be encouraging. Love you too!

  2. This was encouraging! Its so exciting to be a channel. Really appreciated what you said about how He uses us when we are willing. Thanks for sharing. I'll be praying.

  3. That's so neat, always encouraging to read that when you are willing God sure gives opportunity's.
    I think I actually know what lady you are talking about, I've often wondered if she was Christian but I never asked!
    Thanks for the encouragement Nay,I will be praying for her. Love you,

  4. Thanks Tasha! I appreciate your willingness to pray for her. Love you too. :)
