Luke 8:54

"And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid arise." Luke 8:54

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Quote of the Day

"Take the last transient swell of petty impatience, or of unkind criticism; things which to the unawakened conscience look so small and to the awakened conscience so large.  There is not one that need have taken place.  Had I been walking that moment with God, abiding that moment in Christ, drawing that moment on the sanctifying Spirit's power, I should not have lost temper, I should not have thought unkindly; -- not only should I not have looked impatience, or indulge in needless severity in words.  The occasion for the very feeling would have been as if it were not, because neutralized in Jesus Christ.  And if that might have been true for the last five minutes, why should it not be for the next five, for the present minute?  "I can do all things," I have resources for all circumstances, "in Him, that stregthened me".  ~ Handly C.G. Mule, Joy and Strength, 157 


  1. Perfect quote for me today, Toni! it is funny how our Lord knows what we need to hear and when. Had a little hissy fit this morning over something very minor, but at the time seemed major, and reading this made me smile to know how much Jesus loves me.

  2. Thank you for posting this, Toni. It was very timely for me as well. It IS possible not to sin if I'm walking in the Spirit and moment by moment drawing my life from Him. It is my longing to live thus, but I am so far from there that it gets discouraging some days. He knoweth my frame.

  3. Thank you ladies for that. This was convicting and encouraging to me as well.
