Okay...so why am I hurting? It's my gallbladder? Where is my gallbladder? What does the gallbladder do? Why does it hurt? What are gallstones? Is there a natural way to heal my gallbladder?
These were only a few questions I had when recently I began to have health issues, including pain "under my ribs". After realizing that my pain might be associated with my gallbladder I decided to research it.
This is what I found.
is the Gallbladder?
gallbladder is located on the right side, just below your liver. It
is only 4 inches long and is attached to the liver.
are hardened bile and cholesterol or calcium salts. Gallstones are
bad news because they block bile from being released from your
gallbladder, which interferes with the small intestine's job, and
therefore our digestion.
is a Gallbladder Attack?
- Pain accompanied with nausea and/or anxiety.
- Pain that is triggered by eating fatty foods.
- Pain and tenderness under the ribs on the right side, sometimes with a fever.
- Pain that gets worse with coughing.
- Bloating and gas
- Pain in the abdomen or right shoulder
- belching or burping
actually happening:
So, gallbladder problems start from what we eat, causing a weak unhealthy liver. Like the gallbladder, the liver is a biliary organ that plays a major part in our digestion and removing toxins.. During digestion, the liver secretes bile into the gallbladder to be stored. Later the gallbladder releases this bile into the small intestine. This bile is important. It regulates the level of friendly bacteria, destroys dangerous ones, and helps digest fats. Gallstones block this process. The pain we experience can come from the stone traveling down the bilary duct toward the small untestine. Or even back up of bile in the gallbladder (which can become toxic and lead to leaky gut or causes the gallbladder swell).
is affected?
Fat and Fertile. Those are the three “F's” most often quoted.
Although I don't match any of them. Really, gallbladder issues can
effect make and female, old and young. But, here are the most common
candidates for gallbladder issues:
- Age. People over the age of 40 often have gall bladder disease.
- Obesity. People who are obese have bile that is saturated with cholesterol, making them more likely to develop gallstones.
- Gender. Overweight women over the age of forty are the population that has gall bladder surgery most frequently
- Hormone replacement therapy. Estrogen stimulates the production of gallstones, so women on hormone replacement therapy or those who have taken birth control pills for many years sometimes have gall bladder disease.
- Slow transit time and constipation. Constipation and slow intestinal transit time are linked to the formation of gallstones. www.bodycology.com
do I prevent attacks, and cure them? 
only recently dealing with gallbladder issues I cannot perfectly
answer this question. But so far, it would seem that the gallbladder
issues are connected with an unhealthy liver. Once the liver is
flushed and the right diet introduced the gut now has a chance to
heal. So far this is the information that seemed most helpful to me.
I am planning on trying the liver flush and will keep you updated.
list of good foods:
Vinegars (Cider and white)
Tomatoes - ripe
salmon, trout
Vinegars (Cider and white)
Tomatoes - ripe
salmon, trout
(lemon juice in the morning with hot water helps to clean the
Grapes and fresh organic grape juice
apples, berries, papaya, pears
Omega 3 oils: coconut oil, butter or ghee from grass-fed cows, extra virgin olive oil, palm oil and rendered animal fats such as tallow and lard. And small amounts of cold-pressed oils such as sesame or flax. For more on healthy fats
Vegetable juices - Beet and cucumber are especially helpful to gallbladder. You can add other green vegetables like tender baby greens, swiss chard, dandelion greens, beet greens, celery, carrots, ginger)
Freshly pressed juice of apples, berries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, lemons, melons, oranges and pears. (commercial juice should be avoided)
Grapes and fresh organic grape juice
apples, berries, papaya, pears
Omega 3 oils: coconut oil, butter or ghee from grass-fed cows, extra virgin olive oil, palm oil and rendered animal fats such as tallow and lard. And small amounts of cold-pressed oils such as sesame or flax. For more on healthy fats
Vegetable juices - Beet and cucumber are especially helpful to gallbladder. You can add other green vegetables like tender baby greens, swiss chard, dandelion greens, beet greens, celery, carrots, ginger)
Freshly pressed juice of apples, berries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, lemons, melons, oranges and pears. (commercial juice should be avoided)
Extended list of foods to avoid
More Food for Thought
Yummy Healthy Recipes that WONT irritate the gut
A "Must Read" on the Gut
www. bodyecology.com
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