I would like to invite you to check out my new blog called simplymuffins.wordpress.com. I was asked to do all of the Gluten free baking for Hutto's Highland Haven B&B, which I gladly accepted....:)....but then I was asked by our local Farmer's Market to present my baked goods there. And so began my entrepreneurial baking challenge. I found that everyone liked my baking, but it was the muffins that everyone came back for. I found my niche! Muffins! How quaint. Hahah. And so "Simply Muffins" was born. I am still in the experimenting process but have conquered quite a few different muffins and am excited about the prospects of custom baking muffins to fit different peoples individual health needs. I have always been quite passionate about health, and Gluten free baking, and more recently about food in general, and so this is perfect! I hope to get my name out there so that I can start taking orders. I thought I would share my blog with all of you. :)
Luke 8:54
"And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid arise." Luke 8:54
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Simply Muffins
Practical Homemaking
I would like to invite you to check out my new blog called simplymuffins.wordpress.com. I was asked to do all of the Gluten free baking for Hutto's Highland Haven B&B, which I gladly accepted....:)....but then I was asked by our local Farmer's Market to present my baked goods there. And so began my entrepreneurial baking challenge. I found that everyone liked my baking, but it was the muffins that everyone came back for. I found my niche! Muffins! How quaint. Hahah. And so "Simply Muffins" was born. I am still in the experimenting process but have conquered quite a few different muffins and am excited about the prospects of custom baking muffins to fit different peoples individual health needs. I have always been quite passionate about health, and Gluten free baking, and more recently about food in general, and so this is perfect! I hope to get my name out there so that I can start taking orders. I thought I would share my blog with all of you. :)
I would like to invite you to check out my new blog called simplymuffins.wordpress.com. I was asked to do all of the Gluten free baking for Hutto's Highland Haven B&B, which I gladly accepted....:)....but then I was asked by our local Farmer's Market to present my baked goods there. And so began my entrepreneurial baking challenge. I found that everyone liked my baking, but it was the muffins that everyone came back for. I found my niche! Muffins! How quaint. Hahah. And so "Simply Muffins" was born. I am still in the experimenting process but have conquered quite a few different muffins and am excited about the prospects of custom baking muffins to fit different peoples individual health needs. I have always been quite passionate about health, and Gluten free baking, and more recently about food in general, and so this is perfect! I hope to get my name out there so that I can start taking orders. I thought I would share my blog with all of you. :)
Quote of the Day
"He who sides with God cannot fail to win in every encounter; and whether the result shall be joy or sorrow, failure or success, death or life, we may, under all circumstances, join in the Apostle's shout of victory, 'Thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ!'" Hannah Whittall Smith
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Spiritual Lessons
Quiet Submission to Simply Be
was having a hard time Sunday. Just being honest. :) Hard times do
come and sometimes we choose to struggle with them.
went out in our pasture that evening and walked through the long
grass sprinkled with white daisies. I reached the very end of it and
sat down and looked up at the hills still lit by the setting sun.
And I cried.
know my health plays a huge part in how I feel. Our physical is
attached to our spiritual. Our spirit, soul and body are linked and
they do affect each other. Another part is the circumstances I am
surround with, and the attitudes of others in my life. My heart hurt
and felt heavy.
came and sat right there in front of me and listened. I could feel Him smiling and He asked me “Have I ever failed you in this? Have
I ever led you astray?”
thought back on His past faithfulness. And I said through my tears,
“No, you have never failed me.”
laughed and said “Then why are you crying?”
laughed, even while I cried. It was kind of silly. So I
shared all that was on my heart. He didn't condemn me. He understood where I was
better than I did.
I asked, "Is it weak to feel this way? Is it wrong?"
I asked, "Is it weak to feel this way? Is it wrong?"
know what He shared with me? No, it wasn't wrong. But it was weak to
feel the way I was feeling. But it was a human, natural thing that He doesn't
condemn, but a prone and weak place to be.
had been “afraid” to tell Jesus how I felt because I thought He
might take "this" away because He would know it was too much of a
temptation... As if He didn't already know!
He ever done anything to prove Himself untrustworthy? No! Did I
really want to entrust my heart with myself? No thinking twice on
that. Why hesitate to let a perfect, all-knowing, God orchestrate my
life? If He chose to take "this" away it would be for the best.
be able to allow Him to provide for me, and to do so without anxiety,
and to silently give Him glory by simply being is my great desire. A
child's heart that trusts her Father's providence is sweetly
care-free. His yoke is light when I hold no expectations to where He
will be guiding and don't pull in one direction or the other. My
responsibility is to simply be. These temptations are opportunities
to do just that. Do I know what He will do next? No idea. Do I
trust that it will be good? Yes, I do, with all my heart. In quiet
submission I will simply be.
find that it is not the circumstances in which we are placed, but the
spirit in which we meet them, that constitutes our comfort; and that
this may be undisturbed, if we seek for and cherish quiet submission,
whatever may be the privations allotted us.” ~ Elizabeth T. King
(Joy and Strength, 176)
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Flaxseed Blueberry Cookies
Recipes/Practical Homemaking
Flaxseed Blueberry Cookies

1 summer squash
1 zuchinni
2 teaspoons flaxseed meal
1 teaspoon flaxseed
1 teaspoon hemp powder
squeeze of lemon
pinch of NuNatruals Stevia (or more to taste)
handful of blueberries (approx 1/4 cup?)
Cook squash and zucchini until soft. Blend in food blender with berries. Add dry ingredients. If soupy add a little more coconut. Should be quite wet. Form little dollops of "dough" on cookie sheet. You may want to brush a little olive oil on your cookie sheet....but I found they didn't stick. Bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes. (Check on them...they may bake faster in your oven). And ta-da! You have a GAPS legal cookie. Another rendition to this recipe is to omit the blueberries and zucchini and add one organic carrot along with chopped raisins! Really yummy if you add cinnamon too. The variations are endless!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Spiritual Lessons
Jesus answered and said...Martha, Martha, thou art careful and
troubled about many things...” Luke 10:41
do we worry? Really though, ask yourself the question.
know that I become anxious when I feel it's my responsibility to make
sure I do something in order for the necessities of life to be
accomplished. Lately this has included my jobs, health and bills.
the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have
storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much better are
ye than the fowls?” Luke 12:24
worry then? Well...to be honest -- because I feel like if I tried hard enough I could make
it happen. Aren't I responsible for these things?
the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, then spin not...seek not ye
what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful
mind.” Luke 12:27-29
only am I not responsible to keep ends meeting, but I shouldn't sit
on the side line doubting His providence either. God points out in
this same chapter that it is the World that worries and seeks
after necessities, but my Father, who is a good Father, “knoweth
that ye have need of these things.” (v.30)
has become easy to leave Him with my desires and wants because He has
proven Himself faithful in knowing what is best for me. But He asks
the same abandonment in my needs. God is my Father, and a Father's job is to provide. I am
not meant to be a Provider. But guess who is? He is. I am to seek
after Him and His kingdom and His will and He takes care of my needs.
“Fear not little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to
give...” (v.32).
knows our need and He said He will provide. Why waste energy on
worrying? Is God a liar? Did He promise providence so we might
be fooled into starvation? I don't think so.
having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” 1 Timothy 6:8
It's actually an exciting place to be. I don't need more than what He has already been providing. It isn't an accident that I am in this place of need. Perhaps He
is preparing me for a future time? To be here in full dependence on
His providence is the same thrill someone gets who jumps off the cliff,
knowing it's all going to be okay because tied to his back is his parachute. I've
chosen to jump – might as well do it without carefulness and
once read a book title called “When You Fall: Dive”. It made me smile. You know, if I'm
going, I'm going all the way. If I feel I can't give up all of me,
than it's a clue that “me owns me”. That I haven't trusted Him
with me. Is my life so precious to me that I cannot give it away?
Am I that capable of saving myself? I'd rather jump with Him providing, than stay on the cliff's edge hoping I can do it myself.
your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such
things as ye have...” Hebrews 13:5
verse convicted me. I try hard not to complain about foods I wish I
could eat and the mundane foods I have to eat over and over, but I
know that I do it anyway. Christ will have to guard my mouth and
place a content spirit in my heart. Contentedness springs from
thankfulness. And how I am to be thankful, why I can be thankful, is
found in the rest of the verse – “...for he hath said, I will
never leave thee not forsake thee.” (v.5)
can be content with my weight, my singleness, my food, my health, my
jobs, because He is the Provider. He is in control. He can
manage my life, He can hold me up...all I have to do is jump. He
won't leave me.
In the things I have no control in (like when I
thought I might have lymphoma) I could cast it on Him because I had
no other option of “fixing” it myself. I could not. But
the little things...this is where the enemy is concentrated. Satan
is satisfied with a 1 degree turn in my attitude. And it isn't just in
attitude toward jobs, health, bills, but relationships as well.
it ever occurred to us that Jesus may have entrusted those hard
relationships to us? Maybe it it someone that grates on our nerves,
maybe someone who has wronged us (or a loved one) or maybe someone
that is interested in us. Could Jesus have allowed them in our lives
because He wants to teach them lessons through us? Did He trust
that He can reach those people through us?
Perhaps He chose you to
be the instrument in which to love that person that grates on
people's nerves. Maybe He has picked you to be the one in which He
can forgive that person who has wronged others. Maybe He has allowed
that person to be attracted to you so they may learn purity of heart
and giving up desires and distractions...and you are just the object
lesson. Maybe you are the only “safe” young woman that He could
use...He trusts that you will be a sister in Christ who cherishes
that persons purity and will at all costs defend it. Even if it
costs you the pleasure of being admired. Maybe He trusts you to
defend their purity from your own fleshly desire. Maybe it isn't about us after all.
with such things as we have. Jobs, health, bills, relationships. He
is trustworthy. Here I am Lord...clutching You....honestly I'm a
little scared, but determined not to doubt you...I close my eyes and
am overwhelmed by the memories of your past faithfulness...I'll jump.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Quote of the Day
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
(Taken from Streams in the Desert V.II by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)
(Taken from Streams in the Desert V.II by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Chard Chips
I found this recipe through doTerra Essential Oils and decided I had better try it. I was pleasantly surprised. It worked! Plus it is really yummy.
The original recipe calls for Kale and doTerra lemon essential oil. I only had Swiss chard and lemon juice on hand. But it worked. Can't wait to try different herbs on them. But it was great with just salt and pepper.
Bunch of Chard
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Salt and Pepper
Wash Swiss Chard leaves and dry. Mix oil and salt and pepper with leaves. Place in one layer on cookie sheet. Preheat oven to 260 degrees. Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until crisped. Really tasty healthy treat.

Quote of the Day
"For every hill I've had to climb,
For every stone that bruised my feet,
For all the blood and sweat and grime,
For blinding storms and burning heat,
My heart sings but a grateful song-
These were the things that made me strong.
For all the heartaches and the tears,
For all the anguish and the pain,
For gloomy days and fruitless years,
And for the hopes that lived in vain,
I do give thanks, for now I know
These were the things that helped me grow!"
Taken from Streams in the Desert V.II (Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)
For every stone that bruised my feet,
For all the blood and sweat and grime,
For blinding storms and burning heat,
My heart sings but a grateful song-
These were the things that made me strong.
For all the heartaches and the tears,
For all the anguish and the pain,
For gloomy days and fruitless years,
And for the hopes that lived in vain,
I do give thanks, for now I know
These were the things that helped me grow!"
Taken from Streams in the Desert V.II (Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)
Mrs. Charles E. Cowman,
Streams in the Desert V.II,
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Knight #6
Spiritual Lessons
Here is Knight #6.... I found this young man's thoughts a blessing.
To see the questions I asked these Christian "knights" please see this post
think that the world has had too much sway on Christians of all ages
and both genders in many areas, this being one of them. The Bible
clearly teaches that we should seek God above all else and all that
we need will be added to us. I don't think our search for
relationships should differ. A young lady looking for a life partner
should look no farther than to God, who longs to be glorified through
her life and future relationship. If God wants to be glorified
through a relationship, one way we are promised He will do it is
through blessing the obedience of those involved. I know by
experience that letting God bring that person into your life, as your
whole focus is on pleasing Him, is so much more rewarding than
seeking out that desired relationship. God knew what I needed when I
needed it and He continues to prepare me as needed for my future
wife. As I look back at how God led me into experiences I can see He
had in mind my preparation.
as to a girl needing to be industrious; God knows what that girls
future holds far better than society, and God will lead perfectly as
she follows Him first, even against social norms and
expectations,away from relationships and into others.
Also I think beauty is not what should seal the deal on a relationship. Of course it's a blessing that God has made males and females attractive to each other but I personally have found that regardless of what a girl looks like, her heart makes all the difference. Everything good and beautiful came from the Father, when He is in control she will be beautiful. I've known many girls, all of which their looks make no impact on my memory of them. In my sinful state their looks would have mattered, but now it is Jesus Christ who makes them beautiful. I think of beauty as how I see Jesus in them. Any man that marries a homely girl who has unconditionally given her soul to God is far more blessed than he who fell into the trap and married due to attraction of aging, mortal flesh.
Also I think beauty is not what should seal the deal on a relationship. Of course it's a blessing that God has made males and females attractive to each other but I personally have found that regardless of what a girl looks like, her heart makes all the difference. Everything good and beautiful came from the Father, when He is in control she will be beautiful. I've known many girls, all of which their looks make no impact on my memory of them. In my sinful state their looks would have mattered, but now it is Jesus Christ who makes them beautiful. I think of beauty as how I see Jesus in them. Any man that marries a homely girl who has unconditionally given her soul to God is far more blessed than he who fell into the trap and married due to attraction of aging, mortal flesh.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Quote of the Day
"The fact is that God is stronger than any temptation and danger; and the person who has God in his heart is unconquerable." Mrs. Charles E. Cowman (Taken from "Streams in the Desert V.II)
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Quote of the Day
"Take the last transient swell of petty impatience, or of unkind criticism; things which to the unawakened conscience look so small and to the awakened conscience so large. There is not one that need have taken place. Had I been walking that moment with God, abiding that moment in Christ, drawing that moment on the sanctifying Spirit's power, I should not have lost temper, I should not have thought unkindly; -- not only should I not have looked impatience, or indulge in needless severity in words. The occasion for the very feeling would have been as if it were not, because neutralized in Jesus Christ. And if that might have been true for the last five minutes, why should it not be for the next five, for the present minute? "I can do all things," I have resources for all circumstances, "in Him, that stregthened me". ~ Handly C.G. Mule, Joy and Strength, 157
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Quote of the Day
"Your emotions may be delightful,
or they may be very depressing. In neither case are they any
real indication of your spiritual state. Your joy in the
Lord is a far deeper thing than a mere emotion. It is to be the
joy of knowledge, or perception, of actual existence. It is far
better to be a bird, with all the actual realities of flying, than
only to feel as if you are a bird, with no actual power of flying at
all. Reality is always the vital thing." ~ Hannah W.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Gluten Free Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins
Practical Homemaking
If you are local I will be selling these over at Annie's Orchard every Saturday morning. Stop by! :)
Gluten Free Lemon Poppy-Seed Muffins
~ * ~
cups GFM's Rice Almond blend flour
tsp. Baking powder
1/4 tsp. Xanthan gum
tsp. Salt
cup butter
cup sugar
cup vanilla yogurt
1 Tbl. lemon juice
1 tsp poppy seeds
cup raw milk
Tbsp. Sugar for sprinkling
oven to 375 degrees. Grease muffin tins. In medium bowl combine dry ingredients and lightly whisk
with a fork. Set aside.
a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add
yogurt, egg, lemon juice and milk. Mix until well combined. Add dry
mixture a little at a time to your wet ingredients just until flour
is mixed in, but do not over mix batter. Sprinkle poppy seeds. Fill muffin tins to top with muffin batter. Lightly
sprinkle tops of muffins with sugar. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Quote of the Day
have no need that God should attack in us that which is lifeless and
unresponsive. (It is the living only that must die). ...You asked
for a remedy that your problems might be cured. You do not need to
be cured, you need to be slain. ...So do not ask for either remedies
or sustenance. Do not even ask for death. To ask death is
impatience. And to ask food or remedies is only to prolong the
agony. What then shall we do? Do nothing. Seek to nothing. Simply
confess everything, not as a means of getting relief, but because of
humble desire to yield unto Jesus.
see, the point is not how you are to be sustained and kept alive, but
how you are to give up and die.” ~ Fenelon
Monday, June 2, 2014
Quote of the Day
"Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am." (Isaiah 58:9)
"He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry. That has comforted me often, more than any promise of answer; it includes answers, and a great deal more besides; it tells us what He is towards us, and that is more than what He will do. And the 'cry' is not long, connected, thoughtful prayers, a cry is just an unworded dart upwards of the heart, and at that 'voice' He will be very gracious." (F. R. Havergal)
(From the book "Joy and Strength" P. 152)
"He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry. That has comforted me often, more than any promise of answer; it includes answers, and a great deal more besides; it tells us what He is towards us, and that is more than what He will do. And the 'cry' is not long, connected, thoughtful prayers, a cry is just an unworded dart upwards of the heart, and at that 'voice' He will be very gracious." (F. R. Havergal)
(From the book "Joy and Strength" P. 152)
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